Nassau, NP
14th February, 2019
Though it’s always beneficial to avoid a lengthy court battle, this newly designed tax regime still represents a 65% tax increase which some gaming operators will still find difficult to manage.
The industry was never opposed to an increase in taxation and was always willing to pay its fair share. However, the methodology to achieve that increase was the crux of our disagreement.
This ordeal highlights a broader challenge and signals the need for a deeper look at our national tax regime and the issue of proportionality. At some point, as a nation, we must address the inequitable way taxation is levied within and across industries so that we all pay our fair share in these tying economic times.
The BGOA is a non-profit organization, which represents the majority of the licensees of the domestic gaming industry. The objectives are to promote awareness and education of the industry and advocate for fair and equitable public policy, regulation and legislation, based on factual data and research. The Association exists to ensure the continued innovation and sustainability of the domestic gaming industry for the benefit of all of its stakeholders. It will consistently promote responsible gaming, as part of its broader community building initiatives and overall contribution to the economy of The Bahamas.