Gambling Addiction Specialist
Certified Case Manager
Certified Mental Health First Aid
Nassau, Bahamas
Ms. Paulette Bowe is a nine (09) year Registered and Trained Psychiatric Nurse practicing in Nassau, Bahamas. She is an Internationally Certified Addictions Professional 1 (ICAP1), with The Colombo Plan ICCE. She possesses many years of experience in treating patients with various addictions.
Additionally, Ms. Bowe is a Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) trained and certified facilitator, with The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), Maryland, U.S.A. MRT is known as the ‘premiere cognitive based program’ for substance [and addictions] treatment. Furthermore, she possesses a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN), from The University of The Bahamas. Ms. Bowe is a Health Educator, Program Planner, skilled discharge planning consultant and experienced case management professional.
Significantly, Ms. Bowe highly values her most important experience being that of a seven (7) year recovering gambling addict. As a proponent for gambling addiction awareness, treatment and recovery, Ms. Bowe utilizes her ability to exercise tremendous empathy, social and practical intelligence in the provision of quality compassionate care and clinical expertise to address clients with this addiction
Currently, she is pursuing graduate studies with The University of Minnesota certificate program, “Studies in Gambling Addiction: Counseling the Disordered Gambler” Training. Her g aspiration is to assist as many persons as possible with this hidden but debilitating disorder. This goal is undergirded by her personal philosophy that:
“Clients are viewed as individuals, with unique needs, characteristics and
circumstances. Care and treatment options, which are grounded in evidence
based practice, and are developed in accordance to the exceptional need(s)
of the client, their significant other(s) and family.”